

Breed: Boston Terrier
Born: November 11, 2003
Adopted: January 6, 2004

I was 8 weeks old and weighed 4 lbs 8 oz. when I was adopted.   When I was 4 months old, I weighed 10 lbs 8 oz. and gained 4 more pounds by the time I was 5 1/2 months.  I was 15 lbs 6 oz at 6 months, 19 lbs at 8 months, 20 lbs 3 oz at 1 year and weighed 22 lbs 4 oz at 20 months. Mommy put me on a diet and I weighed 20 lbs 8 oz when I turned two.  Mommy said that was the perfect weight for me!  :-)

Right after my mommy got me, she found out that what they said about Boston Terrier snoring was true.  I don't know why she thought it was so cute, but she made a video of it to show everybody.  :-(  She also made a video of me running the BT500 when I was 10 weeks old.  In addition to the pictures below, Mom put every picture she's ever taken of my sister and me here.

Click on a picture to enlarge it or click here to see the slideshow.

Shadow gets her first glimpse of Mattie

Let me out, Mom!

Come closer!

Time to rest!

There must be a way out!

Please let me out!

Mine! Mine! Mine!

You know it's mine...

I love my gorilla!

Take THAT!!!

My new toy!

My new pen!


Breakfast in bed.

Mom moved me into
the living room

What do you mean it isn't a blanket?

Well, it is bright...

I feel pretty...

Are you looking at me?

Mine, all mine!!!

I might get thirsty...

So cozy!

Too big for my bed?

One ear up!

I do NOT look like
a potbellied pig!



What happened to my pillow?

nap time

Curt is coming!!!

MY chair!

I just want to sleep!

I'm praying to the computer gods.

Just take the picture

I'm not hurting him!

It's a hard life...

Ohhhhh!!!  Dirt!!!!

Look what I did!  :-)

I can't breathe...

That was hard work...

I wanna go out...

I dare you to take it!

Are you ready for my closeup, Ms. DeMille?

Mommy got rid of the carpet.

Ahhhhhh, sunshine!

Wanna tug?

I love my kitty!

I'm pretending that it's sunlight.

Wanna play?

It's getting close to bedtime, mom...

That was fun!

My favorite flower...

Hi, Shadow!

Best friends.

I've got a zebra by the tail it's plain to see.

I'm practicing my balancing act!

Cats only need 3 legs anyway...

No, it's mine!  You can't have it!

How do you like my outfit?

Mumble, mumble... mean mommy!

Zucchini is my new favorite snack

Mommy says that I'm getting too big...

Aren't I cute when I'm asleep?

What was THAT???

I might fetch, but I won't bring it back!

This mouse has no tail!!!

Thanks for the blanket, mom!

Another butt shot?  Come on, mom!!!

What's this for?

Hey, let me in!!!

I'm just hanging out!

Can we do it again?  Huh?  Huh? Huh?

Sometimes, I prefer the shade.

What do you mean no toys on the chair?

I didn't do it...

I spend a lot of my time here.

It's time for my nap.

A new collar and a paper towel roll... Yay!!!

Go away and let me sleep!

Just reflecting on things...

Mommy said I was bad...

Did I hear food???

I didn't wanna be a pumpkin!  :-(

Mommy got me a toy for my birthday. :-)

How do you like my new shirt?

Yummmm! Sun and Cedar, nuthin better.
      See more pictures of me
on my sister Phoebe's page.

I was named after my mommy's great grandmother, Martha. 
She didn't have much of a nose either...